What is A320 Full Flight Simulator? It is a replica of Airbus A320 cockpit. Used by Pilots for their training. Inside the simulator are actual cockpit instruments, seats (for pilot, co-pilot, trainer, and observer), instructor’s computer, extra folded seats, engineering computer terminal (for maintenance use) and circuit breakers. For the outside deck you will see four peripheral compartments (for sound and audio cards, power supplies, circuit breakers, etc). Door on the right side, access to visual area. On the left side, access to upper deck where you can find the visual projector and its power supply.

Anything can be simulated here from take-off to landing, taxiing, engine failures, airport runways, thunder and lightning, stormy weather…to name a few. You can even position the simulated aircraft to a certain nautical miles. When the simulator is in full motion you will feel the same experience like real flying. Feel nauseated during air pocket and feel the bumps during take off. Good thing in simulator flying is you will not die W even on crash landing, only the impact of collision can be felt.
When I was working in Clark Aviation as simulator maintenance, we have to man the sim 24/7. Training time depends on the schedule sent by Cebu Pacific; customer of Clark Aviation. Maintenance time usually done on wee hours such as cleaning the entire cockpit, checking the instruments, performing sound and audio check, visual inspection, fly the sim in full motion (at least once in my life I became a simulator pilot LOL!) and a bunch of checklist hüh. When the sim is ongoing training it is closely monitored by maintenance on duty. Just to make sure training will not be interrupted. I guess an hour of training costs a thousand dollars which the company can not afford to lose such huge amount of money. That’s why we treat the simulator like a very precious gem J

The company used to offer a once in a life time experience of simulator flying, of course with fee. I just don’t know if they still offer it. Before, they accepts wannabe pilot but with a surprising $80 000 tuition fee for one year. Gee! How expensive it is to become one!
Just don’t ask me why I am not in simulator world anymore huh though it is a very promising career…hope you enjoy reading and learned a little!
Quoted from simtech forum:
“Take off is optional but landing is mandatory”